Even More Islands and Atolls

Come, Follow Me | The Lost 116 Pages: What Happened To Them, What Was On Them? | D&C 3–5 | Scripture Central @ Mormon Life Hacker

American Primeval: The Horrifying True Story Behind Mountain Meadows Massacre // ScripturePlus @ Mormon Life Hacker
  -   This is the tragic and real story of what happened at the Mountain Meadows Massacre in...

The Horrifying True Story Behind American Primeval: Mountain Meadows Massacre Explained // ScripturePlus @ Mormon Life Hacker

A curious teenage boy, a few big questions, and a quiet grove of trees… @ Mormon Life Hacker
  -   This is where it all started. A curious teenage boy, a few big questions, and a quiet...

Come Follow Me, Joseph Smith History: Visit Joseph Smith’s Birthplace, Childhood, and Ancestry! // Casey Griffiths @ Mormon Life Hacker
  -   Discovering Joseph Smith’s Roots: A Journey Through History Nestled in the misty...

Doctrine and Covenants 1 | Come Follow Church History with Lynne Hilton Wilson | Come Follow Me LDS @ Mormon Life Hacker
  -   Summary: Lynn Hilton Wilson discusses Section 1 of the Doctrine and Covenants with...

Vertical Coring Completed: A Salt Lake Temple Renovation Milestone // Church Newsroom @ Mormon Life Hacker
  -   The Salt Lake Temple renovation project recently hit another milestone with the...

What and How to Know about the Restoration with Steven Harper // The Scriptures are Real @ Mormon Life Hacker

And that’s a wrap on 2024! // The Chosen @ Mormon Life Hacker
  -     Since we’re wrapping up the year, we thought it’d be fun to share...

The Rise of Faith-based Entertainment // ABC News @ Mormon Life Hacker
  -   ABC News’ Mireya Villareal was on the set of “The Chosen,” a drama about the...

Cartoon “Plural Marriage” Destabilizes Family Life for Children @ Outside the Book of Mormon Belt
  -  This cartoon “history” of plural marriage isn't inoculation against a troublesome...

Reactionary or Revelatory? Thoughts on the New Temple Garment @ Outside the Book of Mormon Belt
  -  By changing the garment, church authorities aren’t leading us; they are following us....

Fairview: An LDS Temple or a Test Case? @ Outside the Book of Mormon Belt
  -  Are top leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints seeking a legal...

Build the McKinney Temple According to Fairview’s Ordinance, or No, I Won’t Help Deluge the City Planner with 15,000 Emails @ Outside the Book of Mormon Belt
  -  THIS ISN’T GOING to win me any friends locally. I may live within the boundaries of a...

The Colbert Questionnaire @ Wheat & Tares
  -  Steven Colbert created a brief questionnaire he’s used to interview dozens of...

Guest Post: When the Material Becomes Spiritual @ Wheat & Tares
  -  We are pleased to host this guest post from Blair Hodges. He is host, producer, and...

Rosetti Retiring from Mormon Studies? @ Wheat & Tares
  -  Dr. Cristina Rosettis is retirng from Mormon Studies at the young age of 34. Why? After...

Multiple Probations? @ Wheat & Tares
  -  Mormons and multiple lives (reincarnation) is back in the news with Chad Daybell on trial...

Let Yourself Prevail @ Wheat & Tares
  -  As you likely know by now, last week at Women’s Conference President Camille Johnson...

PIMO vs. MIPO @ Wheat & Tares
  -  I once heard a story about a discussion between Pres. Hinckley (maybe) and a Catholic...

God’s Grading Curve @ Wheat & Tares
  -  While I was sitting in the temple a few days back, waiting for the presentation to begin,...

Feasting Upon Isaiah (Joe Spencer) @ Wheat & Tares
  -  Joe Spencer not only is a professor at BYU, but is the incoming president of the Book of...

Ya, We Don’t Believe That @ Wheat & Tares
  -  While on my mission almost 50 years ago, I thought I was pretty smart. I belonged to a...

First Vision Erasure – 1832 @ Wheat & Tares
  -  The Poem marvelous likenesscreated the foolno God omnipotenta being who maketh Lawsand...

An Apology to the Community of Christ for My Arrogance @ Outside the Book of Mormon Belt
  -  MARCH'S SALE OF THE KIRTLAND TEMPLE by the Community of Christ (CoC) to the Church of...

Dear Sister Larson, This is Why I Stand with the LDS Women who Spoke Out on Instagram @ Outside the Book of Mormon Belt
  -  DEAR SISTER LARSON, I want to respond to your recent, public post that pertains to the...

Celestial Bodies and Eternal Increase: The Line Connecting a Modern Prophet to Early Mormon Polygamy Defenses @ Outside the Book of Mormon Belt
  -  I’VE BEEN CHIN DEEP IN Utah era polygamy again, this time scouring the plural...

LDS Men, Power, and Gender Equality: A Continuing Discussion @ Outside the Book of Mormon Belt
  -  Excerpt: "Eventually, LDS men will understand that the only genuine power they possess in...

LDS Men, No More Passes for Your Wrong-headed Obedience @ Outside the Book of Mormon Belt
  -  TODAY I DIRECT MY THOUGHTS primarily towards the men who hold the LDS priesthood because...

Falece Apóstolo Russell Ballard @ Vozes Mormons
  -  M. Russell Ballard, presidente interino do Quórum dos Doze Apóstolos, faleceu no...

Dízimo e a Profecia Esquecida @ Vozes Mormons
  -  Em 1907, o Presidente da Igreja Joseph F. Smith profetizou, em discurso durante a...

Líderes Mórmons – Cuja Igreja é Frequentemente Associada ao Partido Republicano – Reagem à Política de Partido Único @ Vozes Mormons
  -  David Campbell Os principais líderes da Igreja de Jesus Cristo dos Santos dos Últimos...

Como Setembro de 1993, Quando Líderes Santos dos Últimos Dias Disciplinaram Seis Dissidentes, Continua a Perturbar a Igreja @ Vozes Mormons
  -  Benjamin Park Lavina Fielding Anderson sabia que estava entregando uma bomba. Anderson,...

Conferência Geral Virtual Para Profeta Nelson @ Vozes Mormons
  -  Conforme havia anunciado há dois dias, Russel M. Nelson nāo se fez presente nesta 193a...

Allyship is a Love Unworthy of Rebuke @ Outside the Book of Mormon Belt
  -  LAST SUNDAY, I CAUGHT another glimpse of what it might be like to sit as an LGBTQIA...

Falece Wallace Smith, Último Descendente de Joseph Smith a Presidir Igreja Reorganizada @ Vozes Mormons
  -  Anunciamos o falecimento de Wallace B. Smith, 94 anos, presidente emérito da Comunidade...

200 Anos da Visita do Anjo a Joseph Smith @ Vozes Mormons
  -  Em 1823, o equinócio de outono traria a Joseph Smith, de 21 anos, um visitante singular:...

Desmantelando o Mito de que Escravidão na Antiguidade “Não Era Tão Ruim” @ Vozes Mormons
  -  Chance Bonar Como alguém que pesquisa a escravidão no mundo mediterrâneo antigo,...

Utah Segue Tendo Menor Igualdade de Gêneros nos EUA @ Vozes Mormons
  -  Pelo terceiro ano consecutivo, o estado de Utah tem a pior disparidade entre homens e...

Dia dos Pioneiros em Utah Celebra a Jornada Mórmon ao Oeste – Mas Há Muito Mais na História dos Santos dos Últimos Dias e Migração @ Vozes Mormons
  -  Jeffrey Turner Todo dia 24 de julho, o estado de Utah celebra o “Dia dos Pioneiros”....

Spring 2021 General Conference Open Thread @ Mormon Momma
  -  I will live blog as I…feel like it. Please feel free to add your thoughts and comments...

The Question of Absolute Compliance @ Mormon Momma
  -  There's an old humorous saying: Catholics claim the pope is infallible, but no one...

Autumn 2020 General Conference Open Thread @ Mormon Momma
  -  I didn't live blog Saturday's session. Please feel free to add your thoughts and comments...

Divorce and Abuse Q&A with Monica Moore Smith: Hosted by Al Fox Carraway @ Mormon Momma
  -  One of my daughters, Monica Moore Smith, divorced after more than two years in an abusive...

Spring 2020 General Conference Open Thread @ Mormon Momma
  -  Saturday Morning Session Russel M. Nelson Please note that he was surprised about the...

Autumn 2019 General Conference Open Thread @ Mormon Momma
  -  Given that this is the first post since last conference—and my general ambivalence...

Spring 2019 General Conference Open Thread @ Mormon Momma
  -  The rumors are swirling again! What have you heard? What will actually happen? Only time...

Abortion 💔 @ Mormon Momma
  -  Undoubtedly someone who reads this has had an abortion. I love you and would be honored...

I’m Crying Over Temple Changes — In a Good Way @ Mormon Momma
  -  I'm just going to put this right here: LDS Church changes temple ceremony; faithful...

October 2018 General Conference @ Mormon Momma
  -  Here is your open thread to talk about all things Saturday, October 6th, General...

New LDS Curriculum in 2019 Focuses on Home Study @ LDS Media Talk
  -   The Church has announced a significant help for your personal and family gospel study....

LDS Media Talk Merges with LDS365 @ LDS Media Talk
  -   For 12 years, you’ve enjoyed articles from LDSMediaTalk.com about new LDS...

Connect with Your Family: Past, Present, and Future @ LDS Media Talk
  -  The following is from the article “Connect with Your Family: Past, Present, and...

Music Video: “My Heavenly Father Loves Me” by Rexburg Children’s Choir @ LDS Media Talk
  -   “I Know Heavenly Father Loves Me” is the first music video by the Rexburg Children...

Updated LDS Media Library App 2.0 @ LDS Media Talk
  -  The LDS Media Library app—the mobile app version of the LDS Media Library on...

Revisions Announced for LDS Hymnbook and Children’s Songbook @ LDS Media Talk
  -   Today, the Church announced plans to revise the current hymnbook and children’s...

Relatives Around Me @ LDS Media Talk
  -  Have you ever sat in a room full of people and wondered if or how you might be related to...

Ellen DeGeneres Gets It Wrong About Mormons and Teen Suicide @ LDS Media Talk
  -   On her TV show, Ellen DeGeneres recently stated that “the leading cause of death for...

Father’s Day Video: I Love Being a Dad Because… @ LDS Media Talk
  -  Enjoy this Father’s Day video, “I Love Being a Dad Because…,”...

LDS FamilySearch Database to Include Same-Sex Relationships @ LDS Media Talk
  -   The world’s largest genealogy organization is redesigning FamilySearch.org so it...

My Definition of God and a Possible Response to Homosexuality in Church Policy @ Mormon Momma
  -  Two issues many members of the church—myself included—are struggling with are gender...

This Life Is Meant to Be a Kingdom, Not Just a Cross @ Things of My Soul
  -   A belief in the afterlife can have negative effects. Some people seem to disengage from...

Two Tiny Gender Changes You Might Not Have Noticed at the March-April 2018 General Conference @ Mormon Momma
  -  Large institutions move slowly. Sometimes painfully slowly. When your own impressions of...

Spring 2018 General Conference Thoughts @ Mormon Momma
  -  Happy Easter! Due to the long lack of substantive activity here, I realize few will see...

My Own Bucket List @ Things of My Soul
  -   I loved the movie, "The Bucket List." I had seen it one time previously, but it was...

The Need for Charity: We Aren't as Smart as We Think We Are @ Things of My Soul
  -  A friend of mine recently said something truly profound about our tendency to judge...

My Favorite Mathematics Curriculum @ Mormon Momma
  -  Over the years (often as a result of my overt distaste for Saxon math) I have been asked...

On Forgiveness: Two Important Things @ Things of My Soul
  -   Two thoughts on forgiveness this Easter weekend:  1) We only can forgive those...

ThyMindOMan.com – Exploring the Mind’s Relationship to God @ Temple Study
  -  “Thy Mind, O Man,” photograph of original manuscript. The Joseph Smith...

We Are More than Just Children of a King @ Things of My Soul
  -   A friend of mine said the following today, in reference to common statements about...

Being Nothing without Charity and "Being Worthy": How We Miss the Mark @ Things of My Soul
  -  I interpret the idea that we are nothing without charity as being a refutation of the...

A Beautiful Explanation of Not Judging Others @ Things of My Soul
  -  A friend of mine shared the following, and I want to share it here. It is one of the most...

Yes, We Are Our Brothers' and Sisters' Keepers @ Things of My Soul
  -   Remember: It was Cain (a murderer) who replied to God, when asked where Abel was, "Am I...

What Does the Sacrament Prayer Really Say: Not What We Often Teach @ Things of My Soul
  -  [quote="squarepeg"]The Sacrament Prayer says that we will always have His spirit to be...

Jesus as Advocate and Judge - and We as Advocates Only @ Things of My Soul
  -  We had a wonderful lesson in our High Priests Group, and I want to share one particular...

We Can Be "Atoners" in This Life @ Things of My Soul
  -   We talk of an infinite Atonement, but I have seen an example of how powerful a mortal,...

God Loves His Children Even as They Toddle, Falter, and Fall @ Things of My Soul
  -   We have all seen a toddler learn to walk. He takes a small step and totters. He falls....

Does God Really Direct Us Down "Wrong Roads" Sometimes? @ Things of My Soul
  -  Elder Holland gave a talk in General Conference a couple of years ago about what he...

Individual Exceptions Are between Each Person and the Lord @ Things of My Soul
  -   “There are exceptions to some rules. For example, we believe the commandment is not...

Sometimes, Our Obsession with Proper Prayer Language Is Unhealthy @ Things of My Soul
  -  I have a friend who is convinced we are wrong to pray in modern formal...

Revelation As a Process of Sifting and Winnowing @ Things of My Soul
  -   “The Lord uses imperfect people…He often allows their errors to stand...

The Restoration Is On-Going, and We Can Be Restorers or Destroyers @ Things of My Soul
  -  According to Jacob 5, the tree will continue to be pruned right up until the end - and I...

We Must Be Open to People Outside Our Usual Circle of Friends @ Things of My Soul
  -   In this Church our wards and our quorums do not belong to us. They belong to Jesus...

Some Excellent, Practical Advice to Help Us Find Peace @ Things of My Soul
  -  I almost never share things here that I find being forwarded on Facebook or other...

The LDS Church Also Evolves in Its Understanding and Its Recognition of Past Mistakes @ Things of My Soul
  -   "Seventy years ago this Church was organized with six members. We commenced, so to...

Why Is the Gospel Sometimes So Hard to Find? @ Things of My Soul
  -  A friend of mine who has struggled mightily to figure out what the Gospel means to him...

Cannot Keep Track @ Mormon Momma
  -  Mom: How did your date go? Monica (19): Fine, but I almost called Tanner...

Partnership Is More Important than Rigid Roles @ Things of My Soul
  -   “The Church has nothing to fear from the strength of women. On the contrary, it...

The Danger of Living in the Past: A Principle for Personal Consideration @ Things of My Soul
  -  I was watching a TV show with one of my daughters a while ago, and the following was a...

It Is Important to Be Interested in Many Things - and to Understand Many Perspectives @ Things of My Soul
  -   "Suppose one man likes strawberries and another does not; in what respect is the...

The Samaritans in Our Lives: Some Might Be Surprising @ Things of My Soul
  -  I gave a talk in a ward years ago about charity in which I asked the congregation to...

Righteous Sassing @ Mormon Momma
  -  Monica (18): I'm really good at sassing people in my head. I wish I could to it in real...

Easy Date @ Mormon Momma
  -  [Sam walks into my office late Friday afternoon.] Sam: Hey, honey, do you want to go on a...

Overheard at the Boys’ Second Breakfast @ Mormon Momma
  -  Talking to his 15-year-old brother, Samson. Caleb (12): It's called skills, bro. Mom:...

Kicking It Old School @ Mormon Momma
  -  [Driving to karate with the boys. Trying to find a radio station they like.] Mom: How...

Not Getting Married Today @ Mormon Momma
  -  Mom: Samson, what was your favorite part about Saturday's Warrior? [pause] Samson: (15):...

Videos of 2014 Temple on Mount Zion Conference Now Available for Free Viewing @ Temple Study
  -  The Interpreter Foundation has announced the availability of the videos of the...

Gratitude Precedes Zion @ Temple Study
  -  Orderville Utah, circa 1890 (click to enlarge) Note: My wife and I were asked to give...

Official Church Video on Temple Garments and Robes @ Temple Study
  -   The Church has released a new video explaining the temple garment, and the temple robes....

The Temple on Mount Zion 2014 Conference @ Temple Study
  -  The Interpreter Foundation has announced a forthcoming conference, the 2014 Temple on...

LDS Women Hold and Exercise Priesthood Authority @ Temple Study
  -   LDS woman being set apart for a calling in the Church. “We are not accustomed to...

Sistine Chapel in Official Virtual Reality Simulation @ Temple Study
  -  The Vatican’s 360 degree photographic virtual reality simulation of the Sistine...

“Because of Him”: Share the Easter Message This Week @ Temple Study
  -  The Church is launching a worldwide initiative today, Palm Sunday, that will run through...

Unfreezing Our Hearts: Choosing to See the Beauty in Disney’s Frozen @ Temple Study
  -  Anna and Elsa embrace at the end of Frozen. This is a guest post by Raven Haymond, my...

Videos of Science & Mormonism Symposium Now Available for Free Viewing @ Temple Study
  -  The Interpreter Foundation sponsored a conference on November 9, 2013, entitled...